metal talks

we listen.

Sometimes art creates itself and we simply wield the tools.
Creeker Car Parts melds art + automotive.  "Brand new" isn't spoken much around here.  We strive to re-purpose and re-use things that typically have no future beyond a waste or scrap bin.  


Because cars and trucks are not always merely tools of transportation and labor; they are a reflection of ourselves, an expression of our attitude and character, our tastes and values.

Because broken bolts can be reborn.

Because even shattered glass can have a fresh start in another life.

It's about new beginnings, not assumed endings. It's an extension at the end of the line. A detour away from the scrap yard or the landfill. It's crushing cans, not dreams. More roadtrips instead of the end of the road.

We're recycling, rethinking, rebuilding, and reincarnating.


one of a kind...

check out our facebook page for new items,
gift ideas, and more


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The Picketwire shop 

own a piece of squirrel-made art!


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Earl the Squirrel sketches a design before creating his newest piece of wall art.  ("Beetle Nut")

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